The following financial transparency dashboards provide detailed data about North Dakota's revenues and expenditures:
- Checkbook: Search the state check register, track state spending, and see where tax dollars are spent.
- COVID-19/CARES Act Spending: Follow the flow of federal COVID-19 funding appropriated to North Dakota.
- Daily Cash Balance: Search cash resources available to pay for state administrative and operating expenses.
- Employee Compensation: Search state agency and public university salaries.
- Funds: The statewide trial balances provide PDF reports that further break down funds by account codes for general, federal, and special funding sources.
- Monthly Report: Provides agencies with visual representations of their appropriation status, organizational status in total or by department, and trial balances for various funding sources.
- State Revenues: Search state revenues sources.
- State Appropriations: Search state expenditures appropriated by the state legislature for each biennium. Four PDF reports break down expenditures by line item, funding source and account.